Dear Faithful Friends,
Through a turn of events that only God could have orchestrated, CityGate Atlanta will be moving into a new facility within the next couple of months. This move is not something we were looking to do, but one orchestrated by the Lord to position us for what He has planned for our future.
In January 2021, our landlord called to ask if we would be willing to move across the parking lot to enable our neighboring tenant to expand and occupy the entire building. The move would provide us with a larger, more efficiently laid-out space for our needs - totally renovated specifically for our needs. The new facility will provide us with a significantly larger worship center for regional Ekklesia gatherings, plus better space usage for training and equipping classes, children's ministry, community partnerships, ministry rooms, community outreach efforts, etc. The cost of the buildout is being completely absorbed by the landlord, providing us with a completely new and updated space that will be excellent and move-in ready.
Prior to this surprising turn of events, we were already facing a need for upgrading or simply building out a more functional Audio-Visual-Lighting (AVL) system just to serve the current space and online needs. Now, the new expanded space offers new advantages and opportunities, and makes a new AVL system a critical need.
While the renovation of the new space is being completely covered by our landlord, the AVL needs, plus new furnishings for the expanded space will need to be covered by our CityGate Atlanta family and friends. All of this will enable us to better serve our community, locally, regionally, and beyond.
The AVL component is the most significant portion of the upcoming expenses, and an area we believe is of very considerable importance to reach the ever-expanding online community looking for a Kingdom expression to connect to both locally and trans-locally. This upgrade will provide us with a far better quality system to improve our production capabilities both for in-house and online experience.
The impact of the pandemic revealed a significant need and opportunity to take our message and equipping opportunities beyond the four walls of the building. Over the past couple of years, through the daily Triumphant Prayer Calls for Righteousness (2:22 prayer calls), connections with Dutch Sheets, Clay Nash, Chuck Pierce and others the ministry of CityGate Atlanta has become far more broadly known across the nation. We regularly receive messages from people across the nations expressing their appreciation for the Kingdom ministries they receive through CGA, often expressing a desire to connect more closely. Our online live-streaming presence is a critical connecting point, and quite honestly, the quality (or lack of) has been a detriment that we must address.
Additionally, the strategic role of quality online presence for ministry outreach and missionary work in the future is critical. Out of previous revivals missionary movements came into being to impact the nations. With national and worldwide travel restrictions in place, creativity to reach areas beyond the local community becomes vitally important. Live-streaming, podcasts, online programming, and much more provide the way to go far beyond the four walls of any building. Others, like Glory of Zion, Dutch Sheets Ministries, and Tim Sheets at Oasis Church, are doing this very well, and I am convinced that we must not miss this opportunity to have our technology ready to do the work the Lord has for us here and beyond.
God says in Isaiah 54:2-3, “Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities.” I believe this is a word from the Lord for us at this time and a divinely orchestrated opportunity for us to ‘enlarge our tent and add extension” physically and virtually. It is an invitation for us to join together, giving as we are able in faith with joy, for the harvest that is ahead.
Your gifts will enable us to acquire the needed audio-visual-lighting equipment to supplement and improve our current equipment, purchase new chairs and a baptistry for our worship center, and properly furnish our training and children’s ministry rooms. We will be utilizing what we currently have to the max, and pricing what we must purchase to insure we get the best quality for the price to be faithful stewards of every gift.
Gifts may be made out to CityGate Atlanta and mailed to CityGate Atlanta 3100 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 250, Peachtree Corners, GA. 30071, or you may give online at, then click on the give button.
We would be most honored if you would like to give toward what God is doing and preparing us to do at CityGate Atlanta. Your generosity will make a difference in our community by allowing us to continue in our work.
Thank you in advance for your support!
To God be all the glory!
Jacquie Tyre, apostle
with the CityGate Atlanta Leadership Team
Leadership Team: Sondra Lemser, Winston & Pat Harvey, Beverly Roach, Richard & Kathy Vogan
Through a turn of events that only God could have orchestrated, CityGate Atlanta will be moving into a new facility within the next couple of months. This move is not something we were looking to do, but one orchestrated by the Lord to position us for what He has planned for our future.
In January 2021, our landlord called to ask if we would be willing to move across the parking lot to enable our neighboring tenant to expand and occupy the entire building. The move would provide us with a larger, more efficiently laid-out space for our needs - totally renovated specifically for our needs. The new facility will provide us with a significantly larger worship center for regional Ekklesia gatherings, plus better space usage for training and equipping classes, children's ministry, community partnerships, ministry rooms, community outreach efforts, etc. The cost of the buildout is being completely absorbed by the landlord, providing us with a completely new and updated space that will be excellent and move-in ready.
Prior to this surprising turn of events, we were already facing a need for upgrading or simply building out a more functional Audio-Visual-Lighting (AVL) system just to serve the current space and online needs. Now, the new expanded space offers new advantages and opportunities, and makes a new AVL system a critical need.
While the renovation of the new space is being completely covered by our landlord, the AVL needs, plus new furnishings for the expanded space will need to be covered by our CityGate Atlanta family and friends. All of this will enable us to better serve our community, locally, regionally, and beyond.
The AVL component is the most significant portion of the upcoming expenses, and an area we believe is of very considerable importance to reach the ever-expanding online community looking for a Kingdom expression to connect to both locally and trans-locally. This upgrade will provide us with a far better quality system to improve our production capabilities both for in-house and online experience.
The impact of the pandemic revealed a significant need and opportunity to take our message and equipping opportunities beyond the four walls of the building. Over the past couple of years, through the daily Triumphant Prayer Calls for Righteousness (2:22 prayer calls), connections with Dutch Sheets, Clay Nash, Chuck Pierce and others the ministry of CityGate Atlanta has become far more broadly known across the nation. We regularly receive messages from people across the nations expressing their appreciation for the Kingdom ministries they receive through CGA, often expressing a desire to connect more closely. Our online live-streaming presence is a critical connecting point, and quite honestly, the quality (or lack of) has been a detriment that we must address.
Additionally, the strategic role of quality online presence for ministry outreach and missionary work in the future is critical. Out of previous revivals missionary movements came into being to impact the nations. With national and worldwide travel restrictions in place, creativity to reach areas beyond the local community becomes vitally important. Live-streaming, podcasts, online programming, and much more provide the way to go far beyond the four walls of any building. Others, like Glory of Zion, Dutch Sheets Ministries, and Tim Sheets at Oasis Church, are doing this very well, and I am convinced that we must not miss this opportunity to have our technology ready to do the work the Lord has for us here and beyond.
God says in Isaiah 54:2-3, “Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities.” I believe this is a word from the Lord for us at this time and a divinely orchestrated opportunity for us to ‘enlarge our tent and add extension” physically and virtually. It is an invitation for us to join together, giving as we are able in faith with joy, for the harvest that is ahead.
Your gifts will enable us to acquire the needed audio-visual-lighting equipment to supplement and improve our current equipment, purchase new chairs and a baptistry for our worship center, and properly furnish our training and children’s ministry rooms. We will be utilizing what we currently have to the max, and pricing what we must purchase to insure we get the best quality for the price to be faithful stewards of every gift.
Gifts may be made out to CityGate Atlanta and mailed to CityGate Atlanta 3100 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 250, Peachtree Corners, GA. 30071, or you may give online at, then click on the give button.
We would be most honored if you would like to give toward what God is doing and preparing us to do at CityGate Atlanta. Your generosity will make a difference in our community by allowing us to continue in our work.
Thank you in advance for your support!
To God be all the glory!
Jacquie Tyre, apostle
with the CityGate Atlanta Leadership Team
Leadership Team: Sondra Lemser, Winston & Pat Harvey, Beverly Roach, Richard & Kathy Vogan