We are an Apostolic Kingdom Center with a Congregation attached to see a company of people trained, equipped, activated, and empowered to co-labor with the Lord to bring awakening and reformation to the territories where we are assigned and sent to advance Christ’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
CityGate Atlanta Kingdom CenterJoin us on Sunday's for our weekly Ekklesia Gathering
10:30 am. (Pre-service Intercession: 9:30 am) 3100 Medlock Bridge Road Suite 110 PEACHTREE CORNERS, GA 30071 Children's Ministry: Eagles Nest for ages 4 -12. Children are released to their classrooms after our corporate worship. We believe it is a blessing for the children and adults to have everyone together pursuing the presence of God through worship. |
SHAREHOLDERS OF THE VISION: Those who align with the vision of CityGate Atlanta become partakers and contributors to the overall work of seeing God’s assignments brought into fulfillment. The boundaries and certain aspects of the vision, like that of a jigsaw puzzle, are set by the apostolic leader with the rest brought into focus and fruition by shareholders who receive assignments and passion from the Lord.
Kingdom Apostolic Center
CityGate Atlanta is a training, equipping and activating ministry serving the metro-Atlanta area and beyond. Our passion is to see followers of Christ discipled and matured to fulfill their God-given dreams and destiny. We do this in a number of ways. |
Regional Seminars & Conferences:
We host various apostolic-prophetic leaders and teachers from across the nation multiple times per year to provide excellent opportunities for growth and development. Some of our speakers have been: Dutch Sheets, Clay Nash, Tim Sheets, Dr Don Lynch, Dr. Patti Amsden, Ken Malone, Robert Henderson, Kevin & Rose Sambrook, Anne Tate, and others. Topics have included Learning to Hear the Voice of God, Operating in Court-Room Intercession, Transitioning into the Apostolic, Inner Healing & Deliverance, Relational Covenants and Spiritual Authority.
We host various apostolic-prophetic leaders and teachers from across the nation multiple times per year to provide excellent opportunities for growth and development. Some of our speakers have been: Dutch Sheets, Clay Nash, Tim Sheets, Dr Don Lynch, Dr. Patti Amsden, Ken Malone, Robert Henderson, Kevin & Rose Sambrook, Anne Tate, and others. Topics have included Learning to Hear the Voice of God, Operating in Court-Room Intercession, Transitioning into the Apostolic, Inner Healing & Deliverance, Relational Covenants and Spiritual Authority.
Training & Equipping Classes:
These classes are geared toward training and equipping in practical areas of spiritual and life-skills development. Some topics include foundational discipleship, intercession, prophetic activation, business development, health & fitness and other issues of interest to the community. Advancing Faith Institute Classes are open to everyone and meet on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, except for the first Tuesday of the month. |
Community Involvement:
Partnering with other groups in the area, including Unite Norcross/Peachtree Corners, we seek to serve the community to see lasting change through the power of Christ's presence and love. Local Congregation:
Passionate followers of Christ who love and care for one another as family and work together to see Christ's Kingdom advanced in our community. Worship, Intercession, Prophetic Declarations, and engaging in Kingdom Initiatives are core to who we are as a congregation. We seek diligently to help each person find and flourish in their God-given purpose, gifting and passion; to be and to do all God intended. |
Regional Ekklesia:
CityGate Atlanta is committed to being an expression of Christ's Ekklesia within our territory....not the only one by any means, but a part of what Christ is doing in our territory to operate as a legislative assembly to spiritually watch over and govern the territories God has given us jurisdiction and responsibility to advance His Kingdom in love, grace, mercy, righteousness and justice for His glory alone. |
Under the apostolic leadership of Jacquie Tyre, the CityGate Atlanta leaders work together to see the purposes of God fulfilled through the ministries of CGA, by intercession, developing strategies, establishing ministries, and providing pastoral care to our shareholders.
Jacquie Tyre, apostle
Jacquie Tyre is the founder and apostolic leader of CityGate Atlanta and Kairos Transformation Ministries. Jacquie was blessed to have been raised in a strong Christian home with godly parents that provided her with a solid foundation in the Word of God and knowledge of God. In 1988, after several years of physical challenges, hospitalizations, difficult pregnancies, and other struggles, Jacquie had a dramatic encounter with the Lord that forever changed her path. She heard Holy Spirit ask, “Are you tired of living life your way?” To which she answered…. “YES! My way stinks!” That moment began a journey of moving from a life of faithfully following Christ to a never-ending adventure of living in communion with the Lord as the lover of her soul and the ever-present teacher, guide, and very source of her life.
Jacquie desires is to see every believer discover and walk in the fullness of intimacy with the Lord and into the destiny and purpose for which they were created. With a strong passion for the presence of the Lord, a deep love for the Word of God, and surrender to the working of Holy Spirit in her life, Jacquie lives in constant pursuit of awakening that will touch every arena of life, in individuals, families, communities, states, and nations. Over the years, Jacquie has been established as an apostolic leader with a strong emphasis on strategic, prophetic intercession operating in apostolic alignment to break enemy strongholds and open gates for Kingdom advancement to transform territories. With a strong passion for worship and intercession, the Lord began developing the heart of a worship-warrior early on in her journey through a very difficult season when the Lord clearly spoke, “Difficulties are coming…. no matter what worship Me!” That season, as difficult as it was, developed a strong foundation of unwavering faith and perseverance that enables her to press on no matter what comes. Jacquie operates in an apostolic, prophetic and teaching mantle that God uses to lead people to discover and unlock destinies so that they might walk boldly in wisdom and revelation based on Scriptures and Holy Spirit. She communicates truth, challenges the status quo, provokes the complacent, inspires the seeking, equips the willing, and empowers the faithful. Jacquie is aligned with Network Ekklesia International, led by Dutch Sheets; and connects relationally with Clay Nash who is one of the key leaders within NEI. Jacquie also is aligned with Kingdom Harvest Alliance/Glory of Zion led by Chuck Pierce. These relational alignments have been fostered and developed since the early 2000’s. Jacquie has been married to Mike Tyre since1977, and they have three adult sons, three lovely daughters-in-love and 4 wonderful grandchildren. |
Sondra Lemser: Sondra was blessed to have been raised by godly parents who saw that she was trained in the Word of God and to honor the Lord from a young age. Sondra’s journey with Kairos Transformation began in 2006 when she began attending a bible study Jacquie Tyre was teaching. It was a turning point in her life, a place that would pivot her into a path of maturing into her passions and purpose.
Sondra serves on the Leadership Team at CityGate Atlanta, serving in the day to day operations of the ministry and also ministering to individuals as they mature in their walk with the Lord. She loves the one on one ministry, calling others up into a more intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father and into their destiny. She and her husband, Jim, live in Kennesaw, and love to spend time enjoying their family, especially the grandchildren! |
Bradley White:
Winston & Pat Harvey: Pat and Winston enjoy being and doing things together, and experiencing the adventure of life in a oneness marriage. They enjoy spending time with family and friends, and are always involved in some type of restoration project together.
The Harvey’s carry a passion is to see the Body of Christ healed and set free so each person can fulfill their God-given destiny. In 2011, they were ordained as a Healing House Network team as ministers with Restoring the Foundations. This brought about fulfillment of their lifelong call to touch God’s people and bring them freedom and healing. Winston and Pat serve on the CityGate Atlanta Leadership Team, and as the RTF Regional Healing House operating out of CityGate Atlanta, and reach into the other parts of the state and nation(s) to minister, train and equip others. |
Beverly Roach: Beverly is an apostolic intercessor serving on the leadership team at CGA going on approximately 7 years. She has a heart for intercession and to equip God’s people in kingdom principles.
Beverly gave her heart to the Lord when she was 12 years old. She has served in various ministries such as campus ministry, pastoral and intercessory ministries. Beverly has been working in corporate America for over 25 years as an IT professional. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and graduate of Strayer University with a Master of Science degree in Information Systems. Currently, Beverly is working on becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). |
Worship Ministries:
Here at City Gate Atlanta, we strive to worship in a manner that is from the Throne of God down into our midst, as we gather locally, or for our region and territories. Our focus is to bring our sound and song unto the Lord for His Honor and Glory, and that He is always the center. We desire to disciple and train up Remnant Worshipping Warriors, who have a hearts call to release the sounds and songs within them.
Here at City Gate Atlanta, we strive to worship in a manner that is from the Throne of God down into our midst, as we gather locally, or for our region and territories. Our focus is to bring our sound and song unto the Lord for His Honor and Glory, and that He is always the center. We desire to disciple and train up Remnant Worshipping Warriors, who have a hearts call to release the sounds and songs within them.
Nathanael Flock, Worship Leader. Nathanael, along with his wife, Tiffany and three lovely daughters have been a part of the CityGate Atlanta family for since 2015. Nathanael is a passionate worshipper, an incredible musician, composer, and most of all, a lover of God who is committed to see Christ glorified and His people living in the fullness of grace in authenticity, love, holiness, Holy Spirit power, and the fear of the Lord. Nathanael leads our worship experience into encountering the Lord and moving with Holy Spirit in a way that glorifies Christ and ministers life to those present.
Nathanael is a recording artist (contemporary worship and Electronic Dance Worship), a radio host of Underground Revival on Victory 91.5, along with Trey Milner our tech director, and founder of E-Tribe, a newly forming covenant network of prophetic creative worship hubs, apostolic ally aligned and interwoven with the Body of Christ to advance the Kingdom of heaven through a Neo-Renaissance of revelatory arts. |
EAGLE'S NEST Children’s Ministry: a youth ministry that serves children between the ages of 5 and 12. Eagle's Nest is an equipping ministry that seeks to outfit children with the spiritual armor of God by establishing them in the Word through engaging, fun and creative lessons.
Johanne Jean-Jacques, Eagle's Nest Children:
Johanne is the ministry leader for Eagle's Nest at CityGate Atlanta. Johanne’s heart is for children to come to know, love, and serve Jesus. She has served in children’s ministry for many years and is also a public middle school teacher. In the public school setting, Johanne has been a faculty sponsor for a Bible club and FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). Overall, she feels it is important for every child, no matter their age, to operate out of their book of destiny and to recognize that God wants to use them for His purpose and glory. --“You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book.” Psalm 139:16 (TPT) |
We do weekly training, equipping, and activation to do the works of ministry. We cover topics such as specifics areas of intercession, prophetic ministry, and spiritual warfare, as well as topics related to the Kingdom of God, Kingdom Economics, Deliverance, and many other topics. These classes are a combination of teaching and interaction, and often involve outside reading for the participants. One of the key aspects of these classes is the participation and interaction of everyone who attends, it truly is discipleship, implementation, and activation at work to help all advance in their journey of faith.
Many bring their dinner to join in a time of fellowship with others from 5:30-6:45pm. It is a great way to build relationships and strengthen our bond as both Family and Ekklesia. Tuesday evening, 7pm - 9pm |
Intercession at CityGate Atlanta is a foundational to everything we are and all that we do. Our intercessory ministries and tightly connected to the prophetic and worship dimensions of the ministry to see God’s Kingdom purposes for individuals, families, the ministry, community, state, and nation come into greater and greater manifestation.
Intercession at CityGate Atlanta is not limited to only specified times, but as Holy Spirit leads, any of our gatherings may quickly turn to focus on the purpose and assignment of the Lord in that moment. • Sunday pre-service intercession: 9:30 am • Harp, Bowl and Crown Gatherings for worship, intercession, and declarations are scheduled routinely for extended times of engaging with the Lord and the purposes He reveals. • Prayer Conference or Zoom Calls, as announced. Classes are offered to train and equip in various aspects of intercession in order to keep us all moving forward together with maturity and in increasing authority. |

Altar Ministry and Healing Ministry Nights provide shorted ministry session by those who have been trained to minister in this avenue
Altar Ministry and Healing Ministry Nights provide shorted ministry session by those who have been trained to minister in this avenue
- Modified RTF
- Prophetic Ministry
- Issue Focused Ministry (3-hour session) from trained church level teams and our RTF ordained ministers
- Thorough-Format Ministry (15-hours of ministry) by Ordained RTF Healing House Network ministry teams (Fee charged as set by RTF)
- All ministers and ministry teams participate in ongoing training and oversight
As an apostolic-prophetic ministry, listening, proclaiming, and working with prophetic revelation Holy Spirit gives is vital to us. We believe that all may prophesy and in the corporate gatherings there is a great freedom with protocols and accountability in place to enable us all to grow and mature in God’s design as His Ekklesia.
All corporate prophetic words are recorded, transcribed and then teams work with words to gain understanding, direction, and to develop strategies of intercession to see the words brought to fruition. Personal prophetic words are recorded and sent to the person who received the word so they can transcribe, prayer, and pursue God’s purposes for their lives. We offer periodic training and equipping to help develop the ability to hear the voice of the Lord with increasing clarity, and to deliver what is heard with confidence and authority in the Holy Spirit. |